
Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Kerri's life in a Nut Shell . . . by Karli

So, this actually isn't Kerri blogging, this is Karli.
  Kerri . . . . .
                  It's Time!!!
So, here are pictures of what Kerri has been up to, since I am her personal photographer.Good ole Dominican Republic She went to Dominican for 4 months staight! She worked down there and lived in the wheel house of the Deep Blue Marine boat, making food, and blowing up her air matress every night and putting it away every morning. She had quite a time, so I heard. It was while I was in Ukraine, so we had little contact. 
Here's her working. She would dig for artifacts, move them around, and a lot of other stuff. I didn't make it sound very exciting, but, it is quite hard work at times! But, she does it very well, and she loves doing that sorta stuff. When she is home . . .  she got some sweet wheels!! Her, Cohwen and my Dad rebuilt this car after it had got totalled by a person that they bought it off of. It is a pretty sweet ride, and very reliable and solid. And, It's HOT!!

during the Summer semester, she took a class that took her to Moab for a couple of weeks, and they basically lived in the desert and camped here and there for 5 weeks for 12 credits, and learned some sweet survival skills, and did some pretty wicked awesome stuff. I hear about her stories every time she gets with one of the kids from that class. Which, is pretty fun at times. One of the girls from this class is actually living with us in our basement until January

she even learned how to cut hair in the dark with head lamps and medical scissors. This was for her birthday. I guess her teacher and one of the students went around to everyones gear, and sneakily picked stuff out of each one there bags, then wrapped it up and gave it to her. So, it was fun for everyone! Sadly . . . she had to give all of her presents back, but, you never knew what item she was going to get! Pretty good idea I thought, when they were in the middle of a camping excursion. she got to go with one of our best friends Stephanie DeVisser, she has been our friend since junior high! And her room mate for a couple semesters at college, and they've basically done everything together for the past 5 years! She is now going to New Mexico to school on a soccer Scholarship, we miss mer terribly, but know that she is accomplishing great things! You Rock Steph!! Thanks for keeping Kerri in line! :) And feeding her free spirit to explore crazy heights! so the, we both got home fro our excursions of school, and not even 2 days after school got out, I chopped my hair! And Kerri came along for 'moral support', pretty sure she just wanted a good excuse to cut hers, or an experiment to see if it even looked good first, cuz we are twins after all . . . . good news! It looks Great!! She even went shorter last week. 
then we headed to Australia!!! Lots of fun!and we did some experimenting! She would wave at people as they passed, and some were very confused, but all of the old men would chuckle. She took me to Moab to her country after we got back from Australia! Man . . . she crazy! It was a lot of fun.
basically, Kerri is pretty much awesome! She just got a job with a place called Aspiro that take troubled youth ages 12-18 out in the wilderness and teach them how to survive and deal with stress in a healthy way. She is pretty stoked about it. She has been selling quilts, playing her violin down town, and getting ready to turn her papers in in November. She goes back up to school in January. And that is Kerri's life in a nutshell, and a brief look at what she has been up to. So, there you go! 


Anonymous said...

Can i just say...its ABOUT TIME! and...i love the pic of your hait all frizzed up and crazy! You should do that more often:)

Nicole Tillmann said...

KERRI! IT'S ME NICOLE! Your long lost friend. I am so jealous of so many things happening on this blog. That is so sweet that you got to rappel from that rock bridge (that sounds nerdy, but I can't think of what to call it.) Please teach me how to do that. Oh and if you or Karli ever want to sell your Mustangs (which I know you never will) but if there is a miracle and you want to sell it, Call me! I will give you good money for it! Everything I got in fact! Love your blog and hope you are doing well! I will probably stop by your house soon cause I miss you guys. Peace